Carlos Ferreyra
Nacido en Santa Fé, Argentina en 1937, Carlos Ferreyra es un artista autodidacta que a lo largo de su carrera ha desarrollado una prodigiosa técnica para el dibujo a tinta china y la pintura al óleo.
Él mismo relató en una entrevista que aprendió a dibujar "solo, en las eternas tardes santafecinas, con el lápiz de carpintero de mi padre, sobre los papeles blancos que envolvían el pan que se compraba a diario, en la mesa del comedor; siempre con la mirada quieta y asombrada de mi madre que empezaba a entrever que había un camino diferente para su hijo. Sí, no tuve más escuela que yo mismo ni más armas que la imaginación".
Artista inquieto, de insaciable curiosidad, Ferreyra frecuentó todos los temas clásicos de la pintura y hasta incursionó en la abstracción; pero es la figura humana, en particular algunos arquetipos de la tradición y la cultura latinoamericanas y la gente sencilla, donde ha encontrado la inspiración de sus obras más importantes.
Ferreyra viajó de joven al exterior como actor formando parte del grupo de teatro santafecino " Los 21", para luego convertirse en director. Después de visitar varias ciudades como New York y México DF., Ferreyra se instaló en la ciudad de Guatemala, donde empezó con el amor hacia la pintura. Luego de 40 años viviendo fuera de Argentina, Ferreyra volvió a su país.
Carlos Ferreyra falleció el 4 de diciembre del 2019, acompañado de su hija y de su mujer.
ferias internacionales
Art Expo, New York
Art Miami, Florida
ArteBa, Buenos Aires
exhibiciones individuales
Sala Enrique Acuña, Guatemala
Alianza Francesa, Guatemala
Galeria Macondo, Guatemala
Camara de Comercio, Guatemala
Organization of American States, Washington
Galeria Ramon Duran, Madrid
Galeria Decar, Bilbao
Lightside Gallery, New Mexico
Coplan Gallery, Gallery Art Center of Boca Raton, Florida
Bal Harbour Gallery, Florida
Galeria De Santi, Buenos Aires
Galeria EspacioAg, Buenos Aires
exhibiciones colectivas
Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte,Madrid
International Press Club en Madrid
Sala Gaudi, Barcelona
Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires
Hammer Gallery, New York
The Forida Museum of Hispanic and Latin American Art, Florida
Born in Santa Fé, Argentina in 1937.
Ferreyra is a self-taught artist, who has participated in international art fairs such as:
Art Expo, New York
Art Miami, Florida
ArteBa, Buenos Aires
in group exhibits at:
Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte,Madrid
International Press Club in Madrid
Sala Gaudi, Barcelona
Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires
Hammer Gallery, New York
The Forida Museum of Hispanic and Latin American Art, Florida
as well as many individual exhibits throughout the world such as:
Sala Enrique Acuña, Guatemala
Alianza Francesa, Guatemala
Galeria Macondo, Guatemala
Camara de Comercio, Guatemala
Organization of American States, Washington
Galeria Ramon Duran, Madrid
Galeria Decar, Bilbao
Lightside Gallery, New Mexico
Coplan Gallery, Gallery Art Center of Boca Raton, Florida
Bal Harbour Gallery, Florida
Galeria De Santi, Buenos Aires
Galeria EspacioAg, Buenos Aires and many others.
Ferreyra started drawing since he was a small child. Back in school, at the age of 9 years old, his teachers would ask him to draw illustrations of folk tales from books, using colored chalk on the blackboard in the drama room.
At the age of 15 he became part of the cast of independent theater in Argentina, where he became an actor, as well as a director. But it was years later, when he focused only on his painting.
His father was a carpenter, and it was from him, Ferreyra assures, that he inherited “the noble occupation of working with his hands”.
Carlos Ferreyra has been creating art all of his life. After thirty years of expressing himself in ways that ranged from drawings to oil and from portraiture to abstract, Carlos Ferreyra not only developed a unique painting technique, but also created a body of work that interprets the moods and events of an entire culture. His newest line of work is dedicated to “The important moments of the people without importance”. With his works of art, Ferreyra honors everyday life, the dignity of the common job and the humility of simple things. Here, he opens a window for us to see his memories, to glance at a moment frozen in time, which in many ways becomes a memory of our own past that we might have taken for granted.
To know Ferreyra’s art is to know him, his family, friends, neighbors, even that old man who worked at the bakery around the corner. “People understand immediately what it is that I want to show, there are no explanations needed. My paintings bring you closer, they integrate those who are watching, feel as if they are inside.'
Ferreyra is asked: How did you learn to paint? He answers: “Alone, on those endless afternoons in Santa Fe. At the dining room table with one of my father’s carpenter pencils, on the white paper that the bread used to come wrapped-up in every day…. Always with the still and amazed gaze of my mother, who was starting to realize that there would be a different path for her son. I had no other school than myself, no other tools than my imagination.”